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We are filament labs, and our website is a little different than those of most other additive manufacturing companies. We want to take a minute to show you exactly what makes us different.


make this


(hey, scroll down you)

let's talk plastics. 

H: So plastics are bad for the environment, like really bad. But we can recycle them right? So that makes them less bad? 
FL: Sort of. It's true we can recycle plastic we just aren't doing it very well right now. Since there's so much plastic floating around the planet and few countries with the infrastructure to recycle it completely or properly it also ends up on  beaches, on sidewalks, in landfills, and so many other places where it does more harm than good.
*insert rewind noise* We do want to emphasize that this isn't an argument to not recycle. This is an argument to recycle better


don't 3d printers,

use plastics?

Ours do. And it's 100% Recycled Plastic!

(collected from developing and developed nations alike by creating our own, or utilizing existing, plastics programs.)
We collect plastic and turn it into 3D printer filament that is just as strong or stronger than new filament, then we sell that filament for a lower price than traditional filament. Our filament is compatible with ALMOST ANY printer currently on the market. 
1,75mm  and  2,85mm  filaments
Q: So what if I want to recycle plastic in my university lab? Or what if I just want to recycle plastic at home? 
A: Did you know we make 3D printers and all-in-one plastic-to-filament recyclers too?
And they're affordable :)
(you now have a very important question)
(yes, you do!)
Q: Why would I buy anything from you? You're just selling garbage to make money you capitalist pig. 
A: Hey! We're non-profit! :) And 100% of the money made from our sales goes to funding cleanup initiatives around the world.  
(if you'd take your seats, we now present the only question that matters)

you're cute,

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and this is Pollux.

This is Castor...

Castor 3D Printer.
Pollux Recycler.

Castor is designed to be a low-cost, large-format, high-precision 3D printer for use in industrial, research, and educational applications. Castor was designed with energy-efficiency in mind and reduces both the time and power needed to produce prints due to its very special passive climate control system.

Pollux is the most cost-effective, all-in-one plastic to 3D printer filament recycling solution currently available. It allows you to take old or failed 3D prints, plastic water bottles, and other plastic waste that can fit in the built-in crusher and extrude them into filament. You can mix plastics to create different and new materials as well.

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Advanced Materials

We don't just take trash and extrude it into longer trash, we also engineer the plastics we recycle by adding other recycled plastics to them to create alloys that have different strength, flexure, durability, printability, and other properties. 

Open Source Products.

See Docs

In-House Recycling Toolkit.

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